2018, so far, has been pretty good. We started it in Southern California and, on January first, we were at the beach watching dolphins diving in the water off the coast while we played catch with a football, buried ourselves in sand, looked for shells and found hermit crabs in the surf while the tide went out. It was pretty great.
We stayed with my mom and dad, we spent time with my brothers and their families sharing a meal together at the end of most days. It was so great. We went out to dinner, drove up to L.A. to visit The Getty Center, we played the game of Life both to the joy and defeat of one another as we made money then lost it. Life is hard.
The temperatures here in Nebraska have been frigid. There is snow on the ground. The warning lights on the car keep going off for mostly harmless reasons....I'm pretty sure they're harmless.
On Friday Star Belle packed up the van and drove over to Lincoln to play a show at the Crescent Moon and it was so great. As always, we got set up, we took to the mics and then we enjoyed the ride singing our songs and cracking each other up by being ridiculous. It was so great. We had a listening crowd on a Friday night in a frozen world. The cold couldn't keep up from having another magical night of song. And then we sealed the deal by going for sushi afterward braving the two block walk from the venue to the restaurant. It was awesome. I love playing shows with the girls. I just wish we could do it more often.
Photo by Megan Launchbaugh
2018 feels like a year of transition, but I just don't know to what end. Some days I think it's to an office job and a steady paycheck. Some days I actually entertain the idea of more gigs and more music. My "office" is a mess. I started cleaning it up on Saturday. What do I do? Hit "reset" and keep on keeping on or do I shift the space into something else?
And I hear this little voice whispering to me again, "If nobody buys your cookies then maybe you should get out of the cookie baking business."
2018 so far has me not letting go just yet. I'm looking around and wondering what I should do feeling slightly overwhelmed by an office that has become a disaster. I used to know (kinda) where I wanted to go, but now I don't. That's the question for 2018. Where to go from here.
Thank God it's only January. Thank God there's still time.