It’s cold outside. We had another snow day yesterday. It was slushy and icy but not terrible in town so I sent my two younger boys out to the grocery store for essentials and snacks and they came home with completely soaked tennis shoes. Mental note: get boots.
While they trudged through sloshy streets to get uptown, I was busy in my basement office working on spreadsheets and kickstarter rewards, tshirt orders, and emails, chord charts and inventory. Oh boy.
Thank God for the scented candle. Thank God for the space heater. Thank God for the string of white lights, extension cord, laptop computer and vision board. Thank God for headphones and cozy pants, for herbal tea and trucker hats. And Thank God for nowhere I gotta be anytime soon.
Miraval is one week from now. It’s a resort hotel in the Arizona desert and I’m going there as part of my total shift into new territory. I am going there on the retreat of the decade with my life coach, Leah Badertscher. I am embarrassed to declare that I’m going there, but you want to know what else? I’m at a place where I don’t have time to be embarrassed that I’m going there. I’ve always been worried about what people might think, but right now I’m in this blissful wonderful place where I don’t have time to manage other peoples emotions on stuff.
On the day I finally decided to take myself seriously was the day I stopped explaining what I was doing and why I was doing it. On the day I finally decided to believe what I wanted was true and not shameful was the day when I finally understood clearly how I was going to work to get there.
Decision is an amazing thing. Indecision will chain you to indecision for YEARS. Decision will get things going in a way that feels terrible/scary/exhilarating/powerful/peaceful/humble/true. Decision is the faster route. It takes way more work and way more thinking about everything, but decision, my friends, is your friend. Your true friend.
Failing from a place of decision is not surprising. Failing from a place of indecision can be earth shattering. I failed plenty from a place of indecision and it got me pretty far. Now I’m going to make choices and face rejection from a place where I know who I am, I know what I want and I know where I’m going. That’s what I’ve decided and I’m not that afraid of failure. It’s kinda part of the story. It always has been.
And you know what’s great about that decision? THat the outcome almost doesn’t matter anymore. Life feels so much more peaceful and secure and beautiful now that I’ve finally decided that I know who I am, I know what I want and I know where I’m going.
I hope decision finds you and takes hold of you in that same lovingly powerful way as well.
In the meantime, it’s breakfast duty, coffee, devotional, drying out the tennis shoes, incense, groceries, slippery sidewalks and one week until Miraval. One week of every day stuff. And remembering “Perspective shifts will unlock more than smartness ever will.” Be well you guys.