This weekend I went head to head with arts and crafts and page formatting. I want to say it was a draw. I have to say that I lost.
It's so hard! My husband says, "Hope, this kind of thing is not in your wheelhouse." (I did not give him crap for using the word 'wheelhouse' but I should've)
I agree, but still I press on in the interest of this DIY project actually being something that I do myself. That makes sense, right?
So I spent Friday evening in my basement working on cutting and pasting and painting and formatting and went down a rabbit hole of frustration. I woke up the next morning determined to give it another go. I've made progress, but I have not triumphed and I encourage myself by remembering how learning is a process.
Most of us aren't born with miraculous talent and ability that required no practice or development. We may have been given an inclination or interest in the thing we've mastered, but we had to stick with it in order to find success. Learning takes time and patience- something most of us grown ups don't have in abundance. However, despite my frustration I think it's good to put myself in a situation where it's not easy, and that asks more of me than what I'm used to giving. It's good to exercise the muscle of growth and sit in the process instead of just spouting the importance of it to our children while they struggle with their homework.
So the next step is finding an online tutorial and following the directions and believing I am capable enough to learn something new and get it done myself. It's scary, but it's not impossible. Here's to a week of process for all of us. Peace.