It is so heartening whenever someone reaches out to ask me about my music. It’s even better, when, after a little distance from any initial release, I get the chance to think on something I haven’t had at the front of my mind for some time. That’s what happened with, “You Let the Light In.” Thanks to a sort of musical six degrees of Kevin Bacon, I got connected with Dave Schipper, writer and review of music by way of his aforementioned Blog. And thanks to that Kevin Bacon/Dave Schipper folk superhighway, here we are.
You, dear reader, might recall all the ins and outs of how “You Let the Light In” came to be, but if you’re like me, you may be due for a little refresher and a relisten. That’s what I did after talking with Dave. I drove Jon to the airport and listened to this record again for the first time on the way home.
How much can change in three and half years! And oh, how much can stay the same! I think it’s good timing that this lovely 11-track baby gets some attention- especially as I assemble the batch of songs for my next record slated for recording in September.
We all keep going. We all keep the story alive. We all feel that connection and feel that pull into tomorrow. High five. While up above, still the birds sing their melodies…..